Practice Exercise: Building Envelope Systems

Your Name

With Operating Schedule set to 12/5 and Roof Construction to R38:

  • Achievable through building envelope choices
  • Wall Construction: R38 Wood

    WWR - Western Walls: BIM (0%)

    WWR - Southern Walls: 0%

    WWR - Eastern Walls: 0%

    WWR - Northern Walls: Default since no impaction

    Window Glass and Window Shading for all directions have no impact on the EUI since WWR is 0%.


    This combination can bring the lowest EUI but there are no windows in this building which would require more artificial lights in the building.

    WWR - Western Walls: BIM (0%)

    WWR - Southern Walls: 50%

    WWR - Eastern Walls: 50%

    WWR - Northern Walls: 50%

    Window Glass for Southern and Eastern Walls: Trip LoE

    Window Shades for South and East: 2/3 Win Height


This combination just increases by 0.3 kBtu / ft2 /yr compared to the former combination but has a reasonable WWR ratio.

  • Achievable through building envelope + power & lighting choices

With settings from EUI = 38.8 kBtu / ft2 /yr case from above

Plug Load Efficiency: 0.6 W/sf

Lighting Efficiency: 0.3 W/sf

Daylighting & Occupancy Controls: Occupancy Controls

With this combination, the EUI is 23.0 kBtu / ft2 /yr

  • Achievable through adding Photovoltaic panels to the mix

With additional settings from the above combination:

PV - Panel Efficiency: 20.4%

PV - Payback limit: 30yr

PV - Surface Coverage: 90%
