Design Journal Entry - Module 3

Journal Entry For
Module 3 - Project Goals Targets & Strategies

I plan to make a sustainability/environmental education center in New Jersey. My design goals are as follows:

Goal 1: Maximize green space on building/property

  • Measure:  Area covered by impervious materials (plan view)
  • Targets:
    • minimally acceptable value: 50% green space
    • desired / target value: 70% green space
  • Strategies:
    • One design strategy that I’d like to explore in my design to achieve this goal: Green roof
    • A second design strategy for achieving this goal: Build into the ground/topography to not disrupt natural infiltration and runoff patterns as much
    • Goal 2: Be extremely energy efficient

    • Measure:  Insight energy analysis
    • Targets:
      • minimally acceptable value: ASHRAE 90.1
      • desired / target value: Architecture 2030
    • Strategies:
      • one design strategy that I’d like to explore in my design to achieve this goal: Maximizing window usage for both lighting and heating purposes
      • a second design strategy for achieving this goal: Spending properly on good ventilation and wall/insulation designs and materials to maximize temperature control
      • third strategy: solar arrays and storage onsite
      • Goal 3: Be water conscious

      • Measure:  Recycled water usage
      • Targets:
        • minimally acceptable value: 50% of water recycled
        • desired / target value: Full graywater system usage
      • Strategies:
        • one design strategy that I’d like to explore in my design to achieve this goal: planning building plumbing locations in a somewhat convenient linear fashion to allow for maximum effectiveness of graywater system and minimal piping
        • a second design strategy for achieving this goal: Capture rainwater on sight from not green spaces for usage (as long as it does not disrupt existing watershed conditions)