Module 3 - Points to Ponder

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Module 3 - Points to Ponder
Please share your comments on 3 of the following Points to Ponder questions. (Choose 3 of the questions below.)

Why is it important to accurately model the land features of your project site with a toposurface?

Accurately modeling land features is critical to creating building models.

  1. Influence on the architectural shape, land features play a huge role in shaping the foundation of the building. For example, the mountainous terrain will limit the overall shape or orientation of the house. At the same time, the floor height of the house must be reset for daylighting.
  2. Impact on the design of the house. The house should maximize the landscape of the actual project site.
  • What aspects of a building design are most affected by the terrain features?

The overall appearance design, such as high-rises can not be built in seismic zone or where the ground surface is not solid . Environmental design, such as window orientation, solar panel angle, etc.

When designing a project...

  • Should the building adapt to the terrain?
  • Or, should you adapt the terrain to the building?

I think it's a combination of the two. The architect's design should conform to the natural laws of the surrounding terrain, such as the use of wooden buildings in the earthquake zone, while incorporating environmental aesthetics into the design can make the building look natural. At the same time, it is also important to adapt the terrain to the building to ensure that the function and structure of the building are sound, such as proper excavation or landfilling of the land.

Describe a case when it would be worthwhile to create a new custom component in Revit… How do you decide when customize versus using readily available components?

For example, the kitchen components are designed to fit the special corners of the house Usually if the custom component fits the design better and it's easier to create and it's not readily available in Revit or downloadable from the web, then self-creating is fine.