Magdalena Ohstrom

Journal Entry For
Module 8 - Make Your Pitch
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Intended users

Urban planners and designers, environmental engineers and consultants, landscape architects, municipal governments and policy makers.

Need you’re trying to provide a solution or support for

Mitigate the effect of the urban heat island (UHI). This is important because it would reduce energy costs for AC as well as heat-related dangers like illness and death.

The users of the tool need temperature impact predictions based on design interventions (green spaces, reflective materials, etc). Also needed is a cost-benefit analysis for different UHI mitigation strategies. Third, being able to visualize results is important, so heat maps for temperature changes would be useful.


  1. Green space coverage: % of land dedicated to green spaces
  2. Reflective materials: reflectivity of building materials (albedo) and their surface areas
  3. Building density: building height and spacing & surface area : volume ratio
  4. Water features: number and size of water bodies (ponds, fountains, etc)
  5. Urban geometry: street orientation and width & building orientation
  6. Tree Canopy: density and distribution of surrounding trees

Underlying logic of the model you’ll implement

A generative design algorithm that provides users with outputs via:

  1. Energy balance calculations: the balance between absorbed and emitted heat for diff. surfaces; considering solar radiation and building emissions
  2. Thermal conductivity (between buildings, ground, and atmosphere)
  3. Evapotranspiration: cooling effects of green spaces and water features
  4. Shading effects from tree canopies and building orientation
  5. Reflectivity and absorptivity of diff. materials and surfaces


  1. Temperature maps showing variation across urban area for diff. design scenarios
  2. Cost-benefit analysis of implementation
  3. Recommendation reports clarifying optimal scenarios