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Journal Entry For
Module 4 - Rise or Shine
- Embossed Effect
- Debossed Effect
- Input Image
Brief descriptions about my Dynamo
I set U-V plane with 30 X 45.
Then, I placed adaptive panels as shown in the above.
This is a part to input an image and get color information. What I want to mention here is the part for subtracting 1 from each number in U-V axis to match with numbers of panels.
I fixed the order to put color on the panel to match with the original image with the above part.
As shown in the above, I also added the function to flip or mirror the original image as needed.
Then, I override the color on the panels by using the node, Element.OverrideColorInView.
For adding the function to emboss or deboss depending on the color information, I used the node of Color.Brightness as shown in the picture.