Module 9 Template

Submitted For
Module 9 - Performance-Based Design
ACC Link
Panorama View Link

Images of My Analysis Results

Please paste two screenshots here, based on the options you chose to complete:

  • For Option 1, paste a screenshot of the Benchmark Comparison Graph showing the overall prediction for the energy use given the settings selected.
  • For Option 2, paste a screenshot showing the ending point of your 4D simulation.
  • For Option 3, paste a screenshot showing your building model in the Assemble web interface.
  • image

Option 1: Building Performance Analysis

Upload your brief one-page summary of your recommended settings to reach your building performance goal to ACC Docs, then embed a public link here.

Be sure to include your recommendations for the top 10 most important factors (excluding HVAC). For each of the factors:

  • Take a screenshot showing the range of values that you selected to be included in the analysis.
  • Briefly explain (in a sentence or two) why you’ve narrowed the range down to the values selected.

Option 2: 4D Simulation

Upload the video file showing your 4D simulation to ACC Docs, then embed a public link here.


Note that the slight pause in the video (the longer jump from 12/23/2022 to 1/3/2023) was to allow for a well deserved winter break :)

Since it is a modular build that is prefabricated off site, the construction timeline is relatively short for such a large scale office building.

Option 3: Model-Based Estimating

Upload your summary report presenting your estimate for the major structural elements in your model to ACC Docs, then embed a public link here.