Kiki Jin

Then, share your Design Journal entry here (replacing these instructions) ...

Click the text area below the headers and just start typing your response. There's no need to add new properties.

Please include:

  • A screenshot of your model geometry from each part of the assignment that you completed:
    • For 2 or More Units: Rise and Shine

Step 1:


For this part of assignment, I first defined three points on the desired heights, then drew three arcs by assigning the center points, radiuses and start and end angles. After creating a surface using the three arcs, the surface was panelized with width adjustable cubic panels. Lastly, a picture of a cute doggie was loaded and was used to replaced the color of the original panels. The three arcs are all adjustable through radius and angles, the wall height can be adjusted by changing the center points’ height, the width and height of the panels can be changed to any desired value.


Step 2:


For this part of assignment, I first defined a curve and created a wave based on the curve location. Then I created another wave by increasing the Z value (height of the wall) of the first wave to form a S-Shaped wall surface. I then panelized the wall surface with the panel width and height ratio being 2:1 and the number of panels will change as the wall parameters change. A picture of sky and cloud (shown below) was loaded and the height of each panel was adapted based on the brightness of each brick pixel. The wall height, wall length, number of waves, and wave amplitude are all adjustable. The panel width and height was manually adjusted to be 2:1 but can also be changed to other sizes.

  • A few sentences describing your modeling approach for each stage
  • A brief description of your design outlining the parameters that can be used to flex and dynamically change your structure