Submitted For
Module 5 - Points to Ponder
Please share your comments on 2 of the following Points to Ponder questions. (Choose 2 of the questions below.)

What are the principal advantages of using a single building information model of the existing conditions as the foundation for modeling proposed additions or renovations?

  • Why not create a separate model for the new proposed design?
    • It is advantages from a simplicity standpoint. The workspace does not get cluttered with additional views and allows for the client to see exactly how the building changes were proposed, what changed and what’s the same.

In your project, which features of the proposed design did you choose to model as design alternatives?

  • Why did you choose these building features? And what were the biggest challenges in modeling them as the design alternatives?
    • I chose to change the trellis options for the outdoor seating options, this allows for a particular aesthetic to be chosen - complex or minimal. They were not too difficult to design, but needed to take the time to make sure the patterns were modeled correctly with customized instances for the wall type.