Antonio Skillicorn


I chose to create iterations of a tower provided in the database composed of two rotated triangles connected by curves.


I edited some properties in the family to ensure that there is a gradual rotation across the height of the building, as well as a gradual shift in the radius.


In dynamo, I elected the Base Radius as the parameter that I wanted to flex. Trying values from 190 to 210 feet. I also elected to measure Gross Floor Area and Gross Surface Area as outputs of this process, as I needed to ensure that the Gross Floor Area for all iterations falls between 1,200,000 and 1,500,000 sqft.


Next, I created many iterations of the tower utilizing a custom node. Above you can see where the node falls in the general flow of the code. The following screenshots demonstrate the code inside of the custom node.


First the node accepts the type of element, and the parameters that are being shifted, and measured as outputs.


Next, the element is updated with the inputted parameters.


Finally, the relevant output parameters are retrieved.


Lastly, the retrieved data is exported into a spreadsheet. The results are as follows:


All of the tested designs satisfy the maximum size of the structure and are within the desired range of Gross Floor Area.