Your Name
Shun Hachisuka
Submitted For
Module 8 - Collaborative Modeling
ACC Link

Please enter the following info in the fields above:

  • Your Name (just type your name, then click Create to add yourself to the list)
  • There's no need to upload your model individually this week!  You'll be working on a shared Cloud Revit model hosted in BIM 360 Documents.

Images of My Changes to the Shared Cloud Model

Please paste two screenshots here:

  • an image of the new 3D view you added to the shared model in Revit with a brief text annotation describing the changes.
  • image
  • a screenshot of the BIM 360 Documents model viewer showing the comparison between the version that you published (uploaded) versus the prior version.


Enter a brief paragraph (5 to 7 sentences) describing the features of your proposed design that you'd like to highlight here...

The walls at the corner on the second and third levels are extended instead of the windows. In addition, windows on these walls are modified to smaller windows to make privacy higher. This is because it might be expected to build a new building on this side. The roof of extruded part at the entrance is extended to avoid people getting wet in rain.