Testing Notes

Link to Student
Journal Entry For
Testing Session 1

Lost an object what do you do?

Good Samaritan found an object what do you do?

What did you observe?

What did you observe and note as you watched users interact with your prototypes?
  • Thought it made sense and was pretty intuitive.
  • Liked its simplicity.

What feedback did your users share after the testing?

What feedback did your users share after they've had a chance to interact with and explore your prototypes?
  • What if the person just steals it or damages the item?
  • Some people can’t download the app?
  • Phone number they can call? Reliability?
  • Not accurate and specific enough coordinates?
  • Think its not necessary.

What did you observe?

What did you observe and note as you watched users interact with your prototypes?
  • Lose items around the house - no problem with security usually with lost items.
  • Dorm room applications, said in shared apartments with roommates this can come into use.

What feedback did your users share after the testing?

What feedback did your users share after they've had a chance to interact with and explore your prototypes?
  • Create a list of which room they have everything in - automate that for better efficiency.
  • Doesn’t seem to be too enthusiastic about the idea.

What did you observe?

What did you observe and note as you watched users interact with your prototypes?
  • Thought it was also pretty intuitive.
  • Said needed an app for it to be better tested.

What feedback did your users share after the testing?

What feedback did your users share after they've had a chance to interact with and explore your prototypes?
  • Pretty helpful, would use.
  • What if you don’t know the item that well - questions would fall on deaf ears.
  • Add theft prevention as another additional feature?

What did you observe?

What did you observe and note as you watched users interact with your prototypes?
  • Likes the idea - relies on effort and truthfulness

What feedback did your users share after the testing?

What feedback did your users share after they've had a chance to interact with and explore your prototypes?
  • Brand, color, location tracker - near the object that you are close to.
  • Need some tracking - integrate into school apps instead of being a standalone.
  • Timestamps - same items with same color shouldn’t be mixed up with the AI.

What did you observe?

What did you observe and note as you watched users interact with your prototypes?
  • Likes the security portion of it.
  • Would use it - would download the app.

What feedback did your users share after the testing?

What feedback did your users share after they've had a chance to interact with and explore your prototypes?
  • Concerned with more secure items like credit cards or IDs.
  • Get involvement with a community.