2 - Units
First, the Twisting Rounded Triangle form was loaded into Revit and levels were added at 10’ increments and used to divide the mass into floors.
Next, the location of the project was set to San Francisco.
A constraint was added to the Mid Rotation parameter so that it would be halfway in between the top and bottom rotations and constraints were added for the mid height and radius.
Next, the Dynamo logic was created. The first step was to select the model and create areas for the required inputs and outputs to be specified.
Next, these inputs were rearranged into lists suitable for input into a custom node that altered and analyzed the building form.
The custom node logic can be seen below:
This custom node has a separate custom node inside of it. The secondary custom node can be seen below, all it does is select all of the mass floors in the structure and creates a list of all nonzero values. The logic that evaluates the total cost of the building can be seen in the custom node above. This logic takes the area of each mass floor (given by the custom node below) and multiplies it by the interpolated cost (assuming $500/SF at level 0 and $750/SF at a height of 750’). The sum of all of the floor costs is returned as total building cost.
Lastly, a Function Apply node was used to loop through all of the rearranged data and a summary output table was exported to Excel. The table can be seen below.
This table demonstrates that the rotation of the structure has a significant impact on the gross floor area, but not a significant impact on the building cost or gross surface area.