Lu Tang

  • The Dynamo or Grasshopper scripts and all the supporting nodes needed to run your tool.
  • image
  • Documentation for how to use your tool. It should include:
    • A brief overview of what your tools does (to help users decide whether to download it and give it a try). Think of a “ReadMe” file for software.
      1. This tool is designed for people who are willing to develop their building in a polygon shape and, at the same time, calculate the building’s energy and material cost. The user can also calculate the CO2 emission for the floors and walls. This script can help the designers get a rough estimation for their building plans.

        The user can create a polygon shape building based on their design. They can input the number of sides, height, width, floor height, and the building location as changeable variables. The location here will be defined by longitude and latitude input. The users also need to define the building volume, the construction cost per area for floor and roof, the energy cost per area, and solar value per area.

        After the building is created, the floor area (including the roof area) and the surface area will be calculated using this script. Those values could be used as inputs to calculate the insolation, construction and energy costs, and CO2 emissions.


        Changeable Inputs

      2. Location of the building, including user-defined longitude and latitude (make a difference when calculating the solar insolation)
      3. Height of the building (make a difference for the wall surface area)
      4. Width of the building (make a difference for the wall surface area)
      5. Height of each floor ( decide the total floor number and the floor area)
      6. A start and ending time for calculating the solar insolation
      7. Fixed variables defined by the user:

      8. Building volume
      9. Construction cost per area for wall
      10. Construction cost per area for roof
      11. Energy cost per area for wall
      12. Energy cost per area for roof
      13. Fixed Inputs defined by the user for solar analysis:

      14. Starting time
      15. Ending time
      16. Grid Spacing
      17. Outputs:

      18. Solar insolation in the user-defined period of time
      19. The energy cost for the building
      20. Construction Cost for the building
      21. CO2 Emission for the building

    • A catchy name (or acronym) for your tool
      • The Tool for Building Cost and Environmental Impact Estimation for Polygon Shape Building
    • A teaser image that shows typical results, i.e. what users should expect to get as an output
      • The outputs here will vary based on the user’s input since they will depend on the building geometry and the location of the building. Attached is an example of the output building shape and calculation results.
      • image
    • A link to a recorded video demo (2 minutes max) in which you demonstrate how a user would interact with and benefit from using your parametric design tool.
    • (Sorry this video went a bit longer than 2 minutes)