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Journal Entry For
Testing Session 1
Prototype Research Question: How do you sell the appeal of Starbucks to those who don’t go/like Starbucks beforehand?
CCP/PoV: A student that is having a bad day (ie. because of a test, some failure, or generally just feeling low)
- Athlete - Pet owner
- Going to Starbucks to treat themself
Questions after the product immersion:
1) How do feel now that you’ve spun the wheel?
2) Do you like the variety of rewards?
3) Would you go back to Starbucks after this experience?
- For the rewards, you could save it for the next person if you don’t necessarily need or want it
- 2 people interviewees suggested: Possibly know what rewards (intended to be cool/necessity/marketing appeal?) that the customer is able to get before spinning, for extra excitement/anticipation but no intended surprises
- Some people may abuse this game system
- Some may want to collect every single reward there is for that month
- How can Starbucks finance/store/provide these rewards for the program? Membership-exclusive or customer-exclusive? Is the process sustainable & cost-effective for Starbucks?
- Gift cards are almost universal gifts
- Feel-good aftereffect (credit system application, verbal compliments from the barista)
- Location-specific (Where should the wheel be placed? Would it become a nuisance to see?)
- Spin is too sophisticated, unnatural to spin
- How could I enhance the anticipatory/looking forward feeling for the customer? It is a luck-based game.
- Reduce as much waste as possible.