Nicholas Hughan


Part 1: Provided Building Forms

Started with Revit, using the Twisting Round Triangular form as the building form to use.

Proceeded with Dynamo, through four main steps.


Step 1: set the variable dimensions, properties, and names from the Revit file to be used in Dynamo.


Step 2: establish the building parameters from step 1 including twist, depth, width, and height on the dynamo file.

Step 3: The custom node “EvalSingleInputThreeMetrics” was applied to take the model from step 1 along with other variables “Gross Floor Area”, “Gross Surface Area”, “Gross Volume” along with “Top Height” to create a List.Map.

Step 4: The List.Map feeds into the Data.ExportToExcel node, with a code block to name the excel file. File Path was used to export the information from Dynamo and Revit onto a predetermined excel file (in this case NHughan_1.xlsx). The resultant excel spreadsheet is shown below.


Part 2: Custom Building Forms

I adjusted the base shape and the top shape to personalize the circular and triangular tower through the following steps on Revit for each the top and bottom levels. Click on the tower shape, click on edit family, click on the level I wish to change the shape, draw a shape on it, set a dimension, click standard dimension, enter dimension, delete original shape, save new shape, click connect shapes to connect the new shape and remaining portion of the tower.

Step 1: After I saved the file, I then clicked “Load into Project” and adjusted the parameters of the new saved tower shape into Step 1 of the dynamo file. The revised parameters were adjusted into the nodes for each parametric line item, as shown below.

Step 2: Was not changed in Part 2 of this assignment.

Step 3: The custom node “EvalSingleInputThreeMetrics” was applied to take the model from step 1 along with other variables “Gross Floor Area”, “Gross Surface Area”, “Gross Volume” along with “Top Height” to create a List.Map.

Step 4: The List.Map feeds into the Data.ExportToExcel node, with a code block to name the excel file. File Path was used to export the information from Dynamo and Revit onto a predetermined excel file (in this case NHughan_1.xlsx).