Why do different teams of designers and subcontractors link and share their models during the design process?
Different teams of designers and subcontractors link and share their models during the design process to ensure they are keeping up to date on the building models of the team and ensuring their are not changes without everyone’s knowledge. This can also help to increase work efficiency so different team members can work on their part of the project individually without needing the other to be finished.
What are the advantages of linking models?
Linking models helps ensure efficient tracking of models to allow separate team members to work on their individual focus areas within the project.
Are there any disadvantages to linking models?
A disadvantage to linking models could be that if team members both want to work on the same aspect at the same time, they could run into issues with overlapping designs or changes.
How do you think design coordination was done before we started using digital models?
Design coordination was done in person before digital models. Designers and subcontractors needed to formally talk to each other whenever a change would be made.
What advantages does doing this coordination digitally have over previous methods?
By doing this digitally, design changes can be updated in real time while notifying the involved parties of the changes. Each group can work on their individual aspects without having to constantly wait on the other.
What strategies can design teams use to find and avoid clashes prior to the start of construction?
Designers, subcontractors, and structural engineers should be constantly in talk about the vision and construction process of the building before construction officially begins. They should cross talk within teams on aspects that may be particularly difficult to build or model.
What can be done besides sharing the models digitally?
The parties involve should meet and talk about the goals of the project. They should work together on key additions and modifications to the design besides just individually updating the digital model.