
Interview 3 (Maanya)

Who Did You Interview?

  • Sandhya, my roommate

Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses

  • Teenage Girl
  • From Carmel, Indiana
  • Indian

Key Findings from the Interview

  • Her community does not have a big emphasis on sustainability
    • not many recycling programs
    • No compost
    • No community garden
  • Garden Must Haves:
    • Fruits and vegetables grown without chemicals
    • Compost programs
    • Attractive activities such as socializing events
  • Garden Should Provide:
    • experiences — education over sustainability in order to shift the minds of people (show them that it is not a chore but rather a fun activity that can be beneficial to the environment)
  • Concerns
    • Cold winters — community gardens might not be able to last yearround