Model Screenshot

I came across this picture and thought it would be cool to have such nice bus stops around cities instead of the classic boring shelters we have everywhere.

Design Procedure
I started by creating three curves, which are distanced from each other in a way that all of them can be controlled by the same x,y, z, and “width” sliders. Bottom curves can only be moved in x and y directions, and the distance between them can be adjusted by the “width” number slider. The top curve is located in the middle between them and can be adjusted in the z-direction.

Since straight lines are old-fashioned, I decided that my top curve should be a sin wave. So I used already created top curve shape to transform it into the wave where a number of waves, amplification factor, and base offset can be controlled by the number sliders.

Having the curves ready, I started creating points on them that would indicate the location of the 3-point adaptive tubes. Each curve has its own sets of blocks that divide them into segments but all of them are controlled by the same number slider that changes the distance between the points on the curves.

After that, I created a list of all the points I got and used it to place 3-point adaptive tubes downloaded to the Revit library.

Finally, I created a surface over the curves. Then I divided this surface into the 4-point segments where the number of points in the u and v directions can be controlled by the sliders. Then I used this grid to place 4-point panels with adjustable openings.

After everything was done, I started getting error messages about the families I chose, and the Revit results did not look great. It took me some time to find out that the size of my structure was too small for Revit to fit all the tubes and panels I was asking it to show. I increased the size, played with a sin wave, and tried to add materials to the element (that wasn't working for some reason). Overall, I had fun working on this assignment and am happy with the bus stop I made.