Module 9 - Points to Ponder

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Module 9 - Points to Ponder
Please share your comments on 3 of the following Points to Ponder questions. (Choose 3 of the questions below.)

What level of detail should be included in a 4D simulation?

  • It depends on which group/stakeholders you’re handing the simulation off to as well as what stage of design/construction you’re in. If you’re handing off the simulation for viewing by a client, for example, it might be more accessible if the simulation just covers large construction milestones. But if you’re handing off the simulation to a construction firm, it makes sense to be more granular about the categories and components included, and the order in which they’re built.

How can the feedback shown in a 4D simulation help you to optimize the project schedule?

  • What are the main benefits of linking model elements to the project schedule?
  • It may help you optimize for a more parallelized approach—seeing the simulation will allow you to better schedule, and take into account which tasks are dependent and independent of each other. Linking model elements allows the schedule to dynamically change with the model.

How can model-based quantity takeoff improve the design process?

How can designers improve their designs using the information provided by preliminary estimates of the cost of building their design ideas?

  • It makes explicit the costs of the design, and specifically which portions of the design are contributing to that cost. It likely allows firms to better assess which options they can offer clients, and which costs of a design are not flexible/changeable (if they’re part of the core supportive structure for example). For designers, they have a better sense of their own constraints, and model-based quantity takeoff can be a safeguard against spending time on designs that aren’t viable for the budget of the project.