Submitted For
Module 2 - Points to Ponder
Please share your comments on 3 of the following Points to Ponder questions. (Choose 3 of the 5 questions below.)
What are the primary goals of creating a building model? Who are the key stakeholders?
- What do they need? The purpose of the building models are to convey the visions and make sure the clients, designers, and builders all have a common language and framework to build with.
- What do they care about most? It depends on who the stakeholder is. Clients vary in interest but overall want to have their ideas shown, designers want to make the clients visions into a cohesive story, builders want to make sure things are realistic.
How much detail should you include in your building model? How do you decide?
- As you develop your initial design? The amount of detail varies based on the stage. In the initial stages it is just good to get broad concepts.
- As you continue to iterate and develop on your design? As the design continues to develop, ideas will be refined and more detail will be added.
- What are the key stages? Conceptual, preliminary, design dev, construction doc. It’s a constant iteration between different stakeholders.
- And how much detail should you include at each stage? The different stages should provide enough detail for the respective parties to be able to carry out their work.
How much detail should you include about the composition (layers, materials, thicknesses) of your wall, floor, and roof assemblies at different stages of your design process?
- Conceptual design
- Preliminary design
- Design development
- Construction documentation
Many door and window manufacturers provide Revit families for doors and windows that you can specify for your building design.
- What is the advantage to manufacturers for providing these families? (it's not free to create and provide them...): By having the designers know the exact details, they may be more inclined to suggest their clients and constructers use them thus giving you more business.
- What is the benefit to you as the designer of using these manufacturer-provided families? Is there an advantage to using them versus the families provided in the Revit library? When things are directly from the manufacturer, you are more certain the details will be correct as opposed to things created on revit library which are usually generic pieces, which work for the vision stages but become important in the construction.