Design Project 1 | Composite Character Profiles

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Journal Entry For
Project 1 - Composite Characters

Composite Character Profiles

Changemaker Cole

  • Loves talking about sustainability
  • Mindful of his carbon footprint
  • Wonders if his sustainable actions matter in the long run, but does them anyway!
  • Educates others about sustainability

Social Media “QWEEN” Susie

  • Loves posting on sustainability
  • Derives social validation from social media
  • Loves talking about current hyped up stories
  • Loves the status that talking about sustainability brings i.e she is a believer that it is cool to do sustainable actions

Skeptical Sam

  • Loves to question whether individual’s action can really make a difference in the grand scheme of the world
  • Believes that it is the institution’s responsibility to make the world a better place
  • Believes in sustainability as it is a proven concept

Engineer Ed

  • Strong hold on engineering concepts
  • Questions about the fate of sustainable actions
  • Wants to make real change

Parent Pete

  • Loves sustainability, but doesn’t have the time to take sustainable actions
  • Educates his children about sustainability
  • Not very sure of the different type of actions he can take
  • Wonders if he can truly help with the current situa