
Submitted For
Module 7 - Points to Ponder
Please share your comments on 3 of the following Points to Ponder questions. (Choose 3 of the questions below.)

How do you think design coordination was done before we started using digital models? 

  • Teams would sit in meeting rooms and look over the design and lay layers of tracing paper over the original design to add and annotate then create new blueprints on vellum.

What advantages does doing this coordination digitally have over previous methods?

  • requires less effort and time wasted on create new versions of the original drawing. In addition, it means that everyone has access to the file simultaneously without needing to meet at a certain space and time.

What strategies can design teams use to find and avoid clashes prior to the start of construction? 

What can be done besides sharing the models digitally?

  • Although technology solves many of our problems, we still need human communication. Checking in, following up and collaborating consistently create a smooth workflow which then minimizes any possible clashes.

At what point in the project development process should design coordination start? 

Is it ever too early?

  • no! they should even brainstorm and ideate together!!!!