Design Journal Entry - Module 4

Journal Entry For
Module 4 - Conceptual Design - Building Context & Passive Design

Images of Your 3 Design Proposals

Design Choice #1


Design Choice #2


Design Choice #3 & #4


Side-By-Side Comparisons of Your Analysis Results

Design #1 vs Design #2 - #1 shows more potential in the winter for sunlight
Design #1 vs Design #2 - #1 shows more potential in the winter for sunlight

Your Recommendation for the “Best” Design Option

I think I’m moving forward with design choice #1 (proposal 5 in forma) as it, along with design choice #2, has the lowest operational energy, and energy conservation and efficiency (reduced carbon footprint) is one of my most prioritized goals. Choice #1 and #2 also has a very high solar energy potential when compared to the others. The ultimate reason for choosing #1 over #2 is due to the daylighting potential. Cumulatively, the two designs share similar daylighting needs, but I really like the more dynamic nature of daylighting in design choice #1. I think it will help achieve my goal of blurring the lines between in and outdoor spaces.

Design choice #1 will also take greater advantage of wind for ventilation purposes as more of the building’s surface area is exposed. Overall, this design is simple at its core- repeated rectangles of the same size- which will aid in my delivery of a highly functional space inspired by modular design.

My big worry for Design Choice #1 is that because the shape is so non-uniform with ample exposed surface area, there might be challenges with creating an efficient building envelope. In this case, design choice #2 is more likely

Dan’s concerns:

  • spots with intense self shading (low daylight potential)
  • ensure structural capacity
    • meet with Carrie Tam (220B TA)