Design Project 1 | Composite Character Profiles

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Project 1 - Composite Characters

Composite Character Profiles

Privileged Pete

  • Comes from a privileged lifestyle in a developing nation
  • Uses a car due to several reasons, and will likely use a car regardless of efficiency of public transport.
  • Knows that the environment is important (has awareness) but has a lazy attitude and values convenience over sustainability.
  • Very difficult to convince, cares far more for their own comfort. Pete is the character that my product would be aimed at since there are many ‘Pete’s’ where I come from and inspiring change within them, while difficult, is not insurmountable.

Open Minded Oscar

  • Is open minded about using different modes of transport, depending on the situation and efficiency. Eg: will use a train if parking at the location may be difficult to find, but will use their car for a long journey with easy parking available OR a journey where several trains would need to be taken, thus increasing the total time.
  • Can be persuaded relatively easily to switch to more sustainable behavior.