Linh Dan Do

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  • Your Name as the Card title
  • The link to your Module 3 folder in our Autodesk Construction Cloud project

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My model is an S-shaped structure that follows a Sine & Cosine curve function. It consists of 5 lines with two of those lines being a sine and cosine function. They have 5-point tubing that connected and open panel between each tub.

I first created five lines and then changes the z-axis to form a S shaped when seen from the West/East elevation. In the curve/line creation section, you change the length of the structure and how S-curvy it is. Then I changed the two upper most lines to have mathematical functions. You can change the number of waves and wave definition points and amplitude for both functions.


With these five curves, I put them in a list to create ribbing to connect them to each other. Within this section, you change the number of ribbing in the structure.


Then, the panels that goes between the ribs are created. This used the “Quads from Rectangular Grid” custom node. Within this section, you are allowed to pick the number of panels between each rib.


Lastly, the adaptive panel and tubing are inserted into the model. You can change the panel opening percentage and the tubing radius size at one end (it is designed to be tapered).
