
Jan 10, 2024 5:41 PM
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For me, an exhibition space must draw focus to the exhibition, be visually enticing to lead the experiencer forward, and be a work of art in itself. It does not need to be the next picasso, however, it is intriguing when the exhibition space can be both aesthetically appealing but not over-the-top to a point where the spaced is distracting from the art. When a space compliments the work it is exhibiting, it can create a synthesis that creates a memorable encounter for the experiencer.

A few exhibition spaces that come to mind:

Cinemathique Francaise. The first Frank Ghery work where I thought the interior was actually exciting. It was revealed to me for the first time, his genius.


The Getty. It is just so awesome. Moments are created that amplify the art. Not detract. Good use of naturalia as well.
