Practice Exercise: Building Envelope Systems

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Building Envelope

  1. Thermal properties of wall play a role that can't be ignored in building energy performance. By changing wall construction to 14-inch ICF, EUI can achieve the minimum value.

  1. Glazing system: window-to-wall ratio has different impacts on walls in different orientations. For southern and northern walls, the variance of EUI is small while for western and eastern walls, the variance makes different.

  1. Thermal Properties of Glazing Surfaces follow similar pattern with WWR regarding energy performance impacts.Adjusting thermal properties of west and east windows help reduce EUI a lot, while adjusting those of north and south windows makes subtle change. Overall, Trp-LoE has the best performance.

  1. Window Shading amount doesn’t make difference to all orientation windows. It can be designed based on the need of aesthetics and other space functions.

Conclusions: The design goal can be achieved by adjusting building envelope related design factors. The best performance is 51.4 kBtu/sqft/yr.


Power and Lighting Measures

  1. Plug Load Efficiency makes EUI change in a range of 20 kBtu/sqft/yr which is huge impact regarding the performance goal.
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  3. Lighting Efficiency also can save a large amount of energy if we can keep it low through passive design.
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  1. Daylighting & Occupancy Controls

Conclusion: by adding power&lighting strategies to the original building envelope design, EUI can be reduced to 31.9 kBtu/sqft/yr.


Photovoltaic Panels

  1. Surface Coverage
  1. Panel Efficiency
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  1. Payback Limit can be set to 20 yrs for an optimal result.


Conclusion: by adding photovoltaic panels to the design, the energy performance can be further improved to a mean value of 0.29 kBtu/sqft/yr.
