Design Journal Entry - Module 5/6

Journal Entry For
Module 5/6 - Building Layout & Circulation Systems

Space Budget:

Bubble Building Layout:

First Floor Layout
First Floor Layout
Second Floor Layout
Second Floor Layout


From the previous check in, I refined my shape from the mass model to the semi-final form. Instead of two circles and a ellipse, I kept the main circle (acting as a lobby/ learning center) and added two rounded triangles. This allowed me to incorporate straight walls while having soft corners. And blending the each shape into each other allowed them to be more cohesive and organic.

For the first floor, I had initially wanted a ramp but the maximum slope was too small. I decided to go with the staircase and two elevator shafts to access different nodes of the building. The main component of the first floor is the courtyard, meeting room, and lobby. The first floor is meant to be a gathering spaces where private and public intersect. Natural lighting, window placement (for the view), and material use is key because this space interacts with the public the most.

The second floor is meant to be less accessible to the public. It is for the researchers and employees of the Jasper Ridge. There is a big open office for the workers with access to the elevator and restroom. On the other node are the private offices and research center to carry out experiment. The main feature of the second floor will be the outdoor patio (shaded/unshaded). It is important to pay attention to lighting (how it affects the research center) and insulation.