Apologies for the late submission, BIM 360 was giving me trouble with copying files so I could complete the last portion

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At this stage, the design remains simple with a stacked square with rectangular wings pattern rotated 30 degrees from the east-west axis on the first 3 floors and 120 degrees on the last 3 floors. The important structural elements are the huge cantilevers over under the 4th floor which likely require far more supports than currently modeled in this basic structural model. Perhaps the central atrium can provide a central point for tension elements to converge and hold the elements up if the client wishes to avoid putting columns underneath these floors.

Using BIM 360 Model Coordination

  1. Upload your architectural and structural models to your folder on BIM 360 Documents, then copy them into the subfolder named Coordination Space.
  2. Switch to the Model Coordination tool.
  3. Create a new View that merges a 3D view from both your architectural and structural models.
  4. Open the new view, and use the BIM 360 model viewing environment to navigate to an interesting camera viewpoint. Then, create an Issue to share this viewpoint.
    1. Click the Issues button in the left navigation bar to display the saved issues.
    2. Click the Create Issue button to create a new one.
    3. Click a location in the model viewer to place a push pin.
    4. Enter info for this issue:
      • Change the Type to Design
      • Enter a Title
      • Assign the issue to Wilfrido Martinez
    5. Click the Create button to save your issue and send it to the assignee.
  5. Repeat these steps to create three issues sharing interesting viewpoints within your merged models.