Use this page to collect your initial thoughts about issues to be addressed in your Elevator Pitch. Plesae jot down a few ideas in each of the follow sections.
- What are the considerations that will affect peoples’ decisions about whether to adopt and use your design idea.
- Environmental friendliness, i.e. how much benefit will this one bring vs. the traditional ones. (like CO2 reduction or how much pollution will this one reduce)
- Health effects. Are there any toxic chemicals that would affect people’s health potentially?
- Economic payback. How to make people see the actual benefit for themselves rather than some empty words and ads?
- Are there potential barriers that will slow down adoption, or that you’ll need to overcome.
- Health examination.
- Safety code
- Tax reductions need relatively longer time for the government approvals.
- What aspects of the existing situation will need to change?
- The high carbon footprint of existing materials.
- The recycle procedure is hard for traditional materials.
- People need time to see how the new material behaves.
Pricing Model
- What’s the pricing model for your idea?
It could be costly at the beginning, but huge payback after 30 or more years.
- Is there an upfront cost? Or a subscription cost?
Yes, but I think it doesn’t need to have much since the tax will cover some.
- Are there any rebates or other financial incentives that will help lower the cost and reward the behavior?
Yes. The company that adopts my material would get a huge amount of tax reduction for buildings and this green building will definitely have good image in front of people.
Sustainability Impact
- How does your design idea improve sustainability?
- Reduce plastic and glass waste.
- Low carbon footprint.
- Recyclable.
- How big is the problem now? What’s the baseline that you’ll compare your idea to?
- The plastic waste situation is very severe right now, and the toxic gases that came from burning in the past decades still cannot be fully purified.
- The baseline is to compare the carbon footprint and estimate the toxic reduction with existing traditional materials.
- What delta will this make? How can you quantify or measure the impact of your design idea? And how big a difference could your design idea make?
- Carbon footprint reduction by using Sima Pro to quantify.
- Cash flow analysis to quantify the payback years.
Competitive Advantage
- What else is available to your users now? What options do they have?
Other sustainable constructional material, like paintings or wood panels.
- Are there other products or services that promise similar results?
Instead of using glass fiber, it’s also available to use carbon fibers or steel fibers.
- How do you compare to them?
Run the LCA analysis.
Use of Design Thinking / Human-Centeredness
- How does this design idea address the essential need identified in your POV statement?
Because the climate change is getting severe, and concrete is the 2ne largest consumed materials after water. Concrete has extremely high carbon footprint and continuously emitting greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.
- How did your design idea evolve based on the steps in the design thinking process? (Observing > Interviewing > Defining a POV > Ideating > Prototyping > Testing > Interating)
Plastic waste > the will of people to change this type of material > Economic benefits > ways can improve people’s desires to adopt this > Assemble all workabilities and actual benefits > Sample testing by running LCA analysis > Optimization of each steps
What’s the Roadmap?
- Is there an path of future development that could evolve from and extend your design idea?
- Innovation of composite materials
- Cost managements
- Safety code
- Recycling
- Other applications rather than construction fileds
- How could your design idea grow?
- By adopting this idea, good company images will be shown to the public, which will start a healthy competition between other companies and find some better ways to improve the workability of this material.
- Long time pay back years. This material is recyclable and durable so that this will tremendously drop down the long-time payment like labour and maintenance.