Sheel Sansare

Final model where you can see the color image and embossed/debossed effects:


My goal for this assignment was to use this image of a leaf to add color and texture to the geometry:


I started by adding U and V parameters to make a grid of my panels:


Next, I read in the leaf image, got the color of the pixels, and set the color to the color of my adaptive panel elements. I added a slider to determine if image is mirrored or flipped by transposing and reversing the list of pixel colors:


Leaf with color added:


Finally, I used the brightness of the pixels to add a debossed and embossed affect to each panel which added texture. I added a number slider to determine the magnitude of these affects and I added a boolean node to switch between debossed and embossed:


Leaf with debossed/embossed added:
