Please enter the following info in the fields above:

  • Your Name (just type your name, then click Create to add yourself to the list)
  • Paste a link to the model that you uploaded to your BIM 360 folder in the BIM 360 Link field.

Image of My Model

Paste a screenshot of your model here...



Enter a brief paragraph (5 to 7 sentences) describing the features of your proposed design that you'd like to highlight here...

I like the uncertainty in how the air flows and water moves. As designed for a tech company, I believe such a building design would be bold and unique. I imagined this building is partially located on the lake so its curvy shape may fit well with the environment. The design is inspired by waves. Since every floor has a different area, it's impossible to just copy each floor to the next level. Therefore, I spend quite a lot of time trying to make good use of every single space and I think space has been arranged pretty well. The most difficult part of this design is to decide when to attach the wall to the roof.