Sage Crosby

4 units

Part 1:

For part 1, I used the Twisting Rounded Triangle conceptual mass and divided it into 12’ floors. I decided to keep most of the parameters set at the values shown below and just vary the Mid Rotation.

Parameter settings for conceptual mass
Parameter settings for conceptual mass
Conceptual mass and parameter settings
Conceptual mass and parameter settings
Dynamo Workspace
Dynamo Workspace

Mid Rotation was my input parameter, and I tested values between 40 and 100 degrees.

Custom node BuildingForm.EvaluateSingleInput
Custom node BuildingForm.EvaluateSingleInput

I edited the custom node BuildingForm.EvaluateSingleInput in order to get all three of the requested return parameters.

Input and return parameters for 7 test cases
Input and return parameters for 7 test cases

Part 2:

For part 2, I used the twisting tower template and changed the shape from the chevron to a lemon-like shape. I kept most of the parameters set at the values shown below and just varied the Top Height and Base Width.

Parameter values and equations
Parameter values and equations
Conceptual mass and parameters
Conceptual mass and parameters
Dynamo workspace for part 2
Dynamo workspace for part 2

One of input parameters is Top Height, and I tested values 444 through 504 feet. My second input parameter is Base Width, and I tested values 150 through 300.

Custom node BuildingForm.EvaluatePairsOfInputsAndReportMultipleResults
Custom node BuildingForm.EvaluatePairsOfInputsAndReportMultipleResults

I adjusted the custom node BuildingForm.EvaluatePairsOfInputsAndReportMultipleResults to output all three requested return parameters.

Input and return parameters for 24 test cases
Input and return parameters for 24 test cases