interview 1

Jun 22, 2021 7:59 PM
Submitted By
Mia Liang Switzer
Property 4
Property 5

Who Did You Interview?

  • My sister

Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses

  • Younger sister - 13 yrs old
  • Rising freshman in high school
    • Goes to school in Pacifica within walking distance of the beach
  • Lives with me, my dad, and my mom in Pacifica, CA

Key Findings from the Interview

When it comes to sustainability

What do you care most about when it comes to sustainability and the environment?

  • She cares most about trash that litters the ocean, streets, landscapes, and nature in general because "it is an eyesore" and because it negatively affects wildlife.

What are you doing now to be more environmentally conscience?

  • She always disposes of her trash in the correct bins (recycle, landfill, compost) and tries to mostly use reusable water bottles, straws, and utensils even when she is out. If she isn't using reusable forks or spoons while out of the house she reaches for "potato wear" (compostable utensils) over plastic utensils.

What would you like to be able to do to improve your carbon footprint?

  • She would like to carpool with her sister (me), and possibly another friend, to and from school because that would result in less cars on the road. She would also like to cook more at home meals vs getting food delivered because that would mean less necessary transportation.

Any reservations / concerns about sustainability?

  • She is concerned about the increase in global warming because "it seems really hard to reverse" and it is negatively impacting animals and humans.
  • She is also concerned not enough people care about being environmentally conscience meaning landfills with continue to grow and carbon emissions will continue to increase.