Jonathan Alvarez

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Stage 1: Create Two New Evaluator Nodes


For Stage 1, I enjoyed being able to visualize my tower as a Revit Conceptual Mass, despite it taking longer to run each iteration. One of the new metrics I introduced was the solar insulation per unit surface area, as the breakdown of sun hitting each area of the building is more useful to me than the building as a whole. I want to lessen this amount so that the sun is not as directed at any one spot. The second metric I introduced was the Cost per Unit of Window Space/View. I wanted to minimize this, indicating that my building has more view from windows on the perimeter relative to the amount it costs overall.

Point to Ponder: I do believe that my added metrics show that for shorter alternative buildings, the sun is focused on smaller area and is therefore increasing the directness per each unit area. However, lessening the height also makes the building cheaper at a faster per unit rate than the perimeter for window views decreases. Some other metrics that may help would be directness to a body of water that may also provide relief through airflow.

Stage 2: Develop a Single-Objective Optimization Scheme


For stage 2, I wanted my optimization scheme to put more weight on the things that I believe to be important: space efficiency and the window views. To accomplish this, I put a bigger weight factor on those two values (two instead of one) because I want a building where there is more perimeter to look out the windows for better views and sunlight. The ones highlighted in my table or my best alternatives, with the one being green considered the “best”.

Point to Ponder: The green one is the best because it has a large floor area for a surface area that is comparable to the other alternatives, maximizing space efficiency. Due to the increase in height as well, there is more window space. Though the increase in height is costly, the increase in window perimeters is more important to me.

Stage 3: Visualize the Recommended Alternative


For stage 3, I struggled a bit getting Forma to work, so I ended up reverting to building the geometry in Dynamo. This did allow me to play with new colors for the color range when I mapped the values of sun directness to the panel color values. It is simple, but I do enjoy the way that I have freedom to play with the panelization to see how the windows that are important to me would look on the building.