Modeling Approach for a Single Pebble:
First, I created a square grid of points, with sliders determining the size of each cell and number of grid points. Then, I made a point (with sliders) that would represent the pebble.
Then, I calculated the distance between each point in the grid and the pebble and plugged those points into a sine wave (with a slider to determine the period). I used a height amplifier to scale up the sin wave (with a slider), and divided the amplifier by the distance from the pebble.
Finally I added a base (with a slider) and combined the sine wave, height amplifier, and base, to get the height of each cylinder. I placed a cylinder of radius one on each grid point and then put a cap on each.

Modeling Approach for Two Pebbles:
I followed a similar approach as above. I created the grid, but then created two separate pebble points. For each pebble I calculated the distance of each point in the grid to the pebble, made a sin wave, and applied height amplification. Then I added those values together to simulate the net height if the waves were to crash. Finally, I added the base value and created the cylinders the same way as above.