Module 5 Points to Ponder

Submitted For
Module 5 - Points to Ponder
Please share your comments on 2 of the following Points to Ponder questions. (Choose 2 of the questions below.)

What are the principal advantages of using a single building information model of the existing conditions as the foundation for modeling proposed additions or renovations?

This can be useful if certain elements/materials need to be carried over. Additionally, if the elements are connected in any sort of way, it's important to make sure that they line up.

What are the principal advantages of using a single building information model of the existing conditions as the foundation for modeling several proposed design alternatives for a portion of the building?

  • Why not create a separate model for each of the design alternatives?
    • The main elements of the model will exist in each design alternative if you continue to work within the same file. This makes it easier for the designer. Additionally, this makes it easier for the client as each phase and alternative can be compiled into one file.