Module 7 - Points to Ponder

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Module 7 - Points to Ponder
Please share your comments on 3 of the following Points to Ponder questions. (Choose 3 of the questions below.)

Why do different teams of designers and subcontractors link and share their models during the design process? 

It allows everyone to work on the project simultaneously from any location. It also increases work productivity by going around having to wait on someone to finish a portion before you can work on it.

A disadvantage is you can’t alter something someone else is working on. So, if the company doesn’t delegate sections out in a way that is smart, it could create conflicts.

How do you think design coordination was done before we started using digital models? 

Things were drawn and (I’m assuming) copied, and printed out. I imagine there was a lot of red-lining and hi-lighting, in addition to notes. Mistakes were harder to fix if you worked in pen. Coordinating probably involved tasking individuals to specific portions of a project. Those individuals then gave their designs to someone who oversees them for notes and mistakes. It is handed back, re-drawn and corrected, and the process continues until it’s good with everyone. I think it would probably be smart to task someone to look at overlap areas for any conflicts as well.

At what point in the project development process should design coordination start? 

I feel like there is always some form of coordination. You start as a team and brainstorm, then you kick some ideas around until you all land on something you all can work towards. Once you are at that point, the individuals can move to working on their assigned sections, and you continue to check in with the rest of your team along the way.