Part I
This part was quite simple. Once i had created the nodes just as the videos showed, the main difficulty was to be able to mirror the image. The flipping was okay by just reversing the list.
The mirror was way more difficult since what we have is not a matrix but a list.
Part II
This part was really quick to do. Once part one was done, I just added another node returning the brightness of the picture just as in part one it would return the RGB code for all the points in the picture. Then, I added two boolean conditions to be able to choose if i wanted a flat, embossed or debossed surface.
Part III
For this last part, I managed to adapt the colour and the opening of each panel according to its exposition to the sun.
I recreated the sun path that exists on Revit linking the x, y, z coordinates of the three points which are the base for the arc. That allows to change the sun path sing just one parameter.
After that, I calculated the vetor between the sun’s position and the point at the center of the axe linking the two points of intersection between the circle and the arc. That allows me to have a better view of what would really happen when my structure is exposed to the sun.
Either than that, I mainly followed the videos to be able to obtain this result.