Module 6 Template

Link to yourself
Submitted For
Module 6 - Workspace of the Future
Panorama View Link

Please enter the following info in the fields above:

  • Link to Student (type the first few letter of your name, then select yourself in the list of linked records)
  • Paste a link to the model that you uploaded to your ACC folder in the ACC Link field.

Image of Your Proposed Design Model


Paste a screenshot of your proposed design model here... the end product of your considering and analyzing three design options.

Side-By-Side Comparisons of Your Analysis Results


Paste at least 2 screenshots showing the side-by-side comparisons of the analysis results for your 3 design options here…

Your Recommendation for the “Best” Design Option

Enter a brief paragraph (5 to 7 sentences) outlining a brief explanation of why you chose this design option as the “best” after comparing your analyses of the proposals…

The selected design model was chosen based on sun path patterns to maximize natural light entering the building’s faces. A taller structure was preferred to ensure sunlight is less obstructed by surrounding buildings. This approach optimizes energy efficiency and enhances the building’s usability by leveraging natural light. However, one important factor that was overlooked during the selection process was zoning laws. Ensuring compliance with these regulations should be a priority before finalizing the design.