Prototype Iteration

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Journal Entry For
Prototype WIP

1. Gather Feedback

I asked my testers for the following questions:

  1. Will people be annoyed by light-reminders that reminds you to take a break?

The majority people believe that using light to remind people about the time is not annoying, BUT IT might be annoying that people are told what to do.

  1. Will people turn off the light while taking a break so the pigment can cool down?

People what different ideas about taking a break: Some people believe taking a break is merely a scrolling one’s phone. While others thinks that it should include walking around, get some water or use the rest room.

  1. Will students who has a habit of staying in the library be habituated with the presents of light reminders?

The majority of people think that people will habituate the signal.

  1. Will laptops block the light so that people cannot see the reminding?

Half of the people think it will, half doesn’t.

  1. What else can I improve

i. prove that regular break reminders does improve academic performances so that the library is willing to purchase my product

ii. allow people to set their own break period, light color and brightness.

iii. put up a sign that explains that the library has adapted my product so do not be surprised, and explain how the product works so that it can better benefit the user.

2. Analyze Feedback

  • major issue:
  1. signal habituation
  2. laptop blocking the light
  3. customized break time
  4. lacking a habit of turning of the light while taking the break.

3. Implement Changes


a. filters can create shadows that are of colors besides black.

b. users can make their own filter.

ii. install a mirror which can reflect the light onto the fences by the sides.

iii. provide 30min, 45min, 60min, 90min and 120min filter that users can install by themselves depending on their own needs. Each filter expresses the idea of having a break in a different way: 30min is”take a rest”, 45min is”recess”, 60min is “time to rest”, 90min is “have a break”, and 120min is “break time”, all of these filters are placed in a little basket by the desk and there are instructions that tells people how to use this system.



  1. provide 2 sets of filters mentioned above that users can exchange during the break time.
  2. install a pressure sensor in the chair that, when detected of a reduction in pressure, the light is automatically turned off