Who Did You Interview?
Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses
- Undergraduate at Stanford
- Ex-Vegan
- Woman of Color
Key Findings from the Interview
- Sustainability
- not only environmental but also social
- composts/electric car/public transport
- Believes people need to be more empathetic and accountable for their actions and society as a whole
- Economic decisions
- mostly a background thought — not a prime consideration
- Challenges
- disbelieving in impact/responsibility
- Have bigger things to worry about — thinking about their own lives
- Sustainable products will only take off when they are better for the selfish people regardless of sustainability
- Laziness — not wanting to take action
- Sustainable product
- best quality/price
- every part of supply chain needs to be sustainable
- Governments need to enforce on corporations rather than people
- Landfills
- people take space for granted — run out of room to put space bc of overconsumption
- solution — launch trash into space if it doesn’t cause problems
- tax corporations to prevent overconsumption