Interview 1

Jun 22, 2021 6:37 PM
Submitted By
Sameeha Siraj
Property 4
Property 5

Who Did You Interview?

  • Mom

Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Response

  • 37 years young
  • Works at Wells Fargo as a UI developer
  • Works from home
  • Loves gardening and plants

Key Findings from the Interview

  • Define sustainability

"Maintenance should be easy—user friendly"

  • When it comes to sustainability
    • What do they care most about?
    • "If you want to continue to do something, it should be easy and with muscle memory. If something is hard to do, it is not sustainable. In order for people to do good for the environment, it has to be easy, because if its' hard it discourages people from contributing to the Earth"

  • Any reservations / concerns about sustainability?

"No, not really, it's just hard to get everyone on this planet to think sustainably because there will always be a batch that refuses to acknowledge that the quality of Earth will decline if we continue to treat it this way. The most we can do is individually change how we lead our lives and hope that we inspire others..."

  • How can someone make a product or service more sustainable?

"To make a product sustainable, people must take a holistic approach to their product. What problem are they targeting? Will there be side effects from the creation of this product or service? With the current environmental status of this Earth, it is important that the product designer considers the natural resources used, and the amount of waste it makes"

  • What are some items that are sustainable that you already use today? Which sustainable items do you plan to use?

"I use cloth bags when shopping because I hate plastic bags and the waste they create, and cloth is just more sturdier anyways. Paper bags are pretty useful too but they're a little flimsy. I collect organics in paper bags to throw since the paper bags I use are bio-degradable"

"I plan to use metal straws rather than plastic straws, but I do thing they're a hassle to clean, so I wish there was some solution that wouldn't make me have to spend excessive time cleaning them"