The first step was to create a surface that can be subdivided based on a u-v grid. The u-v values are input from an integer slider in order to change the resolution of the grid size.
The next step was to use an image file to change the colors in the adaptive panels. Since the structure is intended to mimic the form of a barreling wave, a well-known image of the woodblock print title The Great Wave off Kanagawa. First the image file was read into Dynamo and displayed on the watch node.
Next, a series of nodes was created to change the orientation of the image. The image can be transposed, horizontally flipped, vertically flipped, or horizontally & vertically flipped. A simple code block allows for the user to choose which orientation to use.
Finally, the image was used to override the color view on the adaptive panels.
As a next step, the image colors were used to adjust the thickness of each panel. First the brightness was pulled from the image and normalized on a scale from 0 to 1.
Next, a deboss and emboss effected was added. Based on the brightness value, users have two options. The debossed effect allows users to create a base thickness of the panel then add a thickness equal to 5x the brightness value. The embossed effect allows user to again choose a base thickness, then adjust the “cut” into the surface by 2x the brightness value. A code block allows users to easily choose between the emboss and deboss effect.
Finally, the thickness value for each panel is implemented with the SetParameter node. This node has an additional option to flip the thickness parameter, used to determine the directionality of the thickness parameter.