Design Project 1 | Prototype Work In Progress

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Project 1 - Prototype WIP

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Colin’s Comments: Hi Klay. I know this MVP is work-in-progress. But even at this point, I am going to try to pull you closer to the product or tool focus on Project 1. I see you have Life-cycle assessments in a red box. What could you do with LCAs that would change human behavior? If you have person-to-person connection with a government construction department, that may work in terms of design thinking. Any more layers, and it would be a more challenging endeavor. What if I asked you to think on a peer-to-peer level?

I think LCAs can change people’s life in multiple ways:

  1. Helping to estimate which process costs the most human resources and money.
  2. It’s a good way to educate people and let them be aware of the situation of climate change.
  3. It can help the government to make the product more manageable. For example, the government will know the cost distribution under each part and know the next step for policy makings.