Design Project 1 | Composite Character Profiles

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Journal Entry For
Project 1 - Composite Characters

Composite Character Profiles

Boran Qin

  • Mid 20’s, and very ambitious to do something about sustainability.
  • He’s not satisfied with the situation about the housing market since it’s unstable.
  • He relies a lot on his own judgment even if it may not the best option.

Carson Chan

  • He is always trying his best to save money and spend lesser, even if this might be harmful to his health.
  • He doesn’t care about the “sustainability” itself, but he cares about the rewarding of doing something.
  • He likes drinking Gatorade and deposits a lot of empty bottles

Xianghao Zhan

  • Almost 30’s, and he’s going to have children soon.
  • Cares a lot about the safety of the environment he lives in.
  • He's trying to build a startup company, and considering an innovative way to combine bioengineering and sustainability.

Colin’s Comment: Since your focus is on plastics and more broadly materials, do these characters utilize a lot of plastics in their day-to-day lives?