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Journal Entry For
Module 4 - Rise or Shine
Part 1
- Image mapped onto my shelter.
- I just used one of the test color images for this for ease of debugging. My panels still has a checkerboard pattern from the module 3 assignment.
To be able to create panels given my prior script where i created panels based on grouping parameter points, I needed to create a surface and I did so using the surface.byloft node. Then using the panelquad custom node, I created the panels and then mapped image data from my image on them.
- I then added the ability to mirror, flip and transpose the image on the panels usign the script below and the result is also shown with the images below. I also used list.getitematindex to create logic that would allow a user to transpose, flip horizontally or vertically etc.
- I then used both the Color Brightness and color hue nodes (giving the user the option to pick between the two once again) nodes to sample the color brightness and color hue from each of the colors in the list of sampled color values from the image. I used these brightness and hue values to compute a thickness for each of the adaptive panels in order to give the panels embossed and dubossed effects as shown below. I used one of the test colors and the flag of Kenya as my images🙂
Dubossed based on color brightness values
Dubossed based on color Hue values
Dubossed based on brightness (thickness range from 4 to 30)
Embossed based on brightness (thickness range from 30 to 4)
Part 2:
- I really took advantage of the custom nodes provided in the CEE 220C library for this part. I started by computing the sun directness values using the panel.compute sun directness and panel.colorizebluetoredbyvalues custom nodes provided in the examples to be able to first calculate the strength of the orientation values and using these values to override panel colors based on directness to the sun
- The image below shows the panels after overriding the colors
- I then used the directness values to also change the opening size parameter of my panels. This resulted in the openings becoming smaller or larger based on the sun intensity, position and directness. Below is the script and images for this step
Parameters that can be used to flex the structure
Part 1
- All the parameters from module 3 in addition to the following parameters
- The number of panels in the X and Y directions using the U and V parameters
- By incorportating boolean capabilities, the user can flip, transpose and mirror the image onto the structure and they have the choice to select each of these options one at a time
- The width of the panels can be changed based on the brightness and hue values of the colors on the image that the user inputs
- There is an option to select between embossed and debossed effects
Part 2
- The colors of the panels can changes by changing the sun settings
- The size of the openings on the panels can also be chnaged based on sun orientationa and position relative to the panels (sun directness)