Assignment 1

Image of My Model



Enter a brief paragraph (5 to 7 sentences) describing the features of your proposed design that you'd like to highlight here...

500SF was smaller than I expected, especially when trying to incorporate an ADA compliant bathroom as well as 80SF storage within the 500SF. My overall building came to be about 505SF with a really simplistic rectangular design. Having longest side of the building to face the south-side allows maximum heat and light capture, and the array of desks on the south side of the building for the researchers allows them to work without using any lamps or electricity as long as possible during the day. I am a big fan of windows and natural light in general, so you can see window on every wall except bathroom (because that'd be a bit weird). The space is similar to a communal space even with the desk space for the researchers; I believe this type of environmental can be beneficial in encouraging collaborative work.