Interview 2

Jun 23, 2021 12:41 AM
Submitted By
Olivia Davis Doman
Property 4
Property 5

Who Did You Interview?

  • Mom

Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses

  • 59
  • Publicist/Bakery Owner
  • Semi-Rural/Suburban

Key Findings from the Interview

  • When it comes to sustainability
    • What do they care most about?
      • She cares most about being efficient with our resources, making sure not to waste them, especially water and energy. She is very mindful about how much electricity or water is used because she does not want to waste what we have.
    • What are they doing now?
      • She has to drive a long way to work so she makes sure she makes most out of that trip over the hill to the city, where she gets better groceries and other amenities that our valley does not provide. She makes sure as a family that we do not turn on the heater or AC unless it becomes unbearable, she opts for more clothing or shutting the entire house during hot days. She also tries to shop local for vegetables and eggs because a lot of our neighbors have chickens and there is a family farm up the road.
    • What would they like to be able to do?
      • She would like to get solar panels one day, as well as a well, and she even goes to admit that she would love to live off the grid. She would love to have an even more sustainable lifestyle because she believes that is the most fulfilling.
  • Any reservations / concerns about sustainability?
    • She has no reservations about sustainability.