Haoxin Zhu

Image of My Model



My proposed design for the research station primarily features windows on the southern side, making sure to harness enough natural daylight and warmth, thereby regulating room temperatures through natural ventilation. It additionally incorporates a compact meeting space capable of accommodating up to four individuals for conducting weekly staff meetings or project discussions. The storage area is intended for storing supplies and equipment, while the workspace will also feature a bench for holding instruments. The ADA-compliant bathroom will function as an inclusive facility, featuring both a water closet and a urinal, and will also have enought clear space for a wheelchair to turn around. Atop the building, I paln to install multiple photovoltaic panels for sustainable energy generation. The research station I've designed will provide a tranquil, cozy, and convenient environment for workers to commence their daily tasks. PS: I understand my design of the solar panel placement would not be as efficient as possible, I’ll modify it in my future design iteration.
